GBCI reaches milestone of 200 facilities achieving bc菠菜论坛 certification for zero waste


bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航专注于帮助建筑, businesses and communities strengthen their commitment to resource management

2021年9月9日(华盛顿特区.C.) -今天,绿色商业bc菠菜导航公司. (GBCI), the world’s leading sustainability and health certification and credentialing body, 宣布已经有超过200个bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航项目. bc菠菜论坛 (or Total Resource Use and Efficiency) is administered by GBCI and is the first zero waste certification program dedicated to measuring, improving and recognizing zero waste performance by encouraging the adoption of sustainable waste management and reduction practices that contribute to positive environmental, 健康和经济成果.

“Integrating zero waste strategies presents one of the fastest, 最具成本效益的保护环境的方法, 促进人类健康,减缓气候变化,肖恩·麦克马洪说, 产品管理副总裁, GBCI. “The companies pursuing bc菠菜论坛 certification are demonstrating leadership by shifting to circular thinking and prioritizing processes, operations and actions to reduce waste and limit upstream resource extraction and use – ultimately delivering numerous benefits for communities worldwide.”

Facilities achieve bc菠菜论坛 certification by meeting an average of 90% or greater overall waste diversion from landfill, incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment over a period of 12 months, as well as implementing minimum program requirements within the bc菠菜论坛 Rating System. With more than 86 million square feet certified across 16 countries, bc菠菜论坛项目共能分流3个,075,301 tons of waste from landfill since 2017 — a number that increases daily. bc菠菜论坛 certification also helps these projects collectively average an estimated savings of more than $47.每年500万美元.

Global organizations are deploying bc菠菜论坛 as their zero waste management system to meet their sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals, 达到减少碳排放及废物的目标, standardize implementation practices in their operations and streamline their educational efforts to onboard their 工作人员. This includes Colgate Palmolive, a global household and consumer product manufacturer. With 22 bc菠菜论坛 certified manufacturing facilities across the world covering 12 countries and five continents, Colgate currently has the largest portfolio of bc菠菜论坛 certified projects, 以及2021年的可持续发展 & Social Impact Strategy committed to certifying 100% of their global operations to bc菠菜论坛 as part of their efforts to create a healthier, 为所有人创造更可持续的未来.  

bc菠菜论坛 certification also lends itself to buildings outside of manufacturing covering agriculture, 配送和仓储, 热情好客, 办公室, 零售和活动. 其中一个项目是绿色建筑咨询公司 Petinelli, which achieved bc菠菜论坛 Platinum certification and a 97.1% waste diversion rate for their Curitiba, Brazil headquarters. The company operates as a living laboratory – a sustainability and energy efficiency showroom that anticipates global green building concepts and provides an opportunity to test ideas, 要有创造力,要想象未来. One of the chief lessons the team at Petinelli learned during the certification process was that it is only possible to have a real sense of the amount of waste generated, 如果测量过程,则重用和回收. 每个月, the company conducts a waste analysis which is shared with all employees to demonstrate transparency, 信誉和学习机会. 通过他们实施的战略, the company was able to compost 893kg of waste instead of sending it to landfills during a 12-month performance period year.

20101年3月, Brookfield Properties在班加罗尔的生态世界园区, India recently became the first commercial 办公室 complex to achieve bc菠菜论坛 in India and Southeast Asia. The bc菠菜论坛 Gold campus achieved a 95% waste diversion rate over a 12-month period, 再循环除以1,200 tons of waste every year through use of an IoT-based waste management system. Strategies employed at Ecoworld that contributed to its certification include implementing a reduce-reuse-recycle approach, diverting solid and wet waste which would have otherwise gone to the landfill, continuous monitoring of waste generation in real time through IOT applications, practicing zero waste purchasing and implementing employee trainings and workshops around waste management to drive awareness.

在旧金山金融区的中心 加州街150号 办公室 building achieved bc菠菜论坛 certification and a waste diversion rate of 93.5%通过所有权合作, 工作人员, vendors and tenants as they pursued building-wide sustainability goals. "bc菠菜论坛 certification was important for 加州街150号 because it not only highlights our efforts for zero waste and sustainability, 但它也为如何实现我们的目标提供了指导. 通过过程完成bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航, we learned more innovative ways to keep our building in line with maintaining our continuous efforts with the zero waste program,凯拉·沙说, 助理房地产经理.

As the world collectively turns its attention to ESG and circular economy principles, 这些bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航建筑, 餐厅, manufacturing facilities and more are proving that zero waste is within reach. To learn more about how companies are utilizing bc菠菜论坛 to support zero waste goals, visit